Nestled in the picturesque landscape the building is a marvelous piece of architecture, which is the out spring of Awadh Educational Group.
Well equipped, well lit, and spacious Classrooms provides the learner with comfortable and homely ambience. A special place is provided outside in an open area near the garden along with all kindergarten classes for children loaded with toys and educational games to play with. It will also be utilized for group activities and play & study method.
The specially designed abacus center, the comp labs, the language lab etc. will serve additional knowledge for making learning visible.
A novel & practical method of learning subjects through latest technology.
There will be multimedia Lab with 10 computers and net connection to provide resource material to students and educators.
Learning never ends at any stage of life. The school works with this philosophy so we will have sev eral successful facilitators in their own field and areas to conduct the in- house training and seminars to enrich and guide the teachers, parents and students.
Well enriched and well built up audio-visual library specially designed for the junior and senior classes. Its seating arrangement is one of its own kinds where children will love to sit, read, and access the books and periodicals.
Where children's will be exposed to create something new of their own.